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Arts & Crafts

Squero - Gondola yard

Have you ever wondered how and where gondolas are built?

Visiting with us a traditional squero you will realize that the most famous Venetian rowing boats are still handmade by expert craftsmen.

After a stroll in the elegant neighbourhood of Dorsoduro we will enter one of the last squeri left in the city where we will enjoy an introduction about the history of the gondola, followed by a presentation that will show us the different phases of its construction.

A great opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of a unique Venetian handcraft.

The icing on the the end of the visit, upon request, you can board a gondola and relax gliding along the pictoresque inner canals of Venice.

Tour length: 2 hours

Venetian masks & Carnival
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Did you know that in the past the Venetians could wear a mask even 6 months a year?

Discover with us the story behind the mask and the history of the Carnival.

Walking through the side alleys of a charming district we will reach an authentic masks atelier where the master will show us how a piece of clay can be transformed into an elegant papier-maché mask.

We will also enjoy a presentation of the most famous italian and local costumes.

Upon request you can also paint your own mask...a funny experience to share with your friends or your kids.

Tour length: 2 hours

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